Saturday, November 23, 2013

Remember in November.

(This is something most who suffer with MG have to debate with daily... Medication symptoms OR MG symptoms....)

Thinking back to when I was first diagnosed with Myasthenia Gravis in 2009, and all the ups and down in between, I am very happy how under control it is, at least for now...

MY MG: I am still getting IVIG treatment every 4 weeks and I am now down to 10mg daily of Prednisone, and have not taken Mestinon more than about 4 times since my last post! I have felt a little tired when I wake up in the mornings, but nothing too bad and after breakfast I feel ok. I also haven't taken naps as often! :) I am anxious to see my Neuro next week and see what she suggests I do next. 

Although I am very happy that I have lowered my medications significantly and am doing well, it is very scary to lower medications and make changes when one has MG. You never know if/when you will have a flare up, and/or when you will get symptoms again. But you never know if you don't try, all I can do is be hopeful that everything stays under control.

I went to see a primary care physician a few weeks ago to get some blood-work done that my Neuro requested. I was told that everything is ok for now, but that I should be cautious of my carb and sugar intake to prevent anything bad from arising. (That is one of the hardest things for me to try and reduce, I love sweets and pastries and rice and bread!!) 

** I was able to walk 3 miles at the MG Walk this year! I was so happy to have so many people there to support and walk with me and to help find a cure for MG. I literally was not expecting to have any more than 5 people but this is the outcome and I cannot express how grateful I am to have such amazingly supportive people in my life.

Update in Life: I am still loving my job, it is a great learning experience and my new title is a "Behavior Therapist". I have decided that I want to get my masters (or maybe doctorate, I haven't decided) as a Behavior Therapist, and Special Education Learning and Behavior, AND get my Directors license. You're never to old to make new dreams, right? :)

I am beyond excited to go back home to Illinois for a week in December and then have my 16 year old brother come and spend a week with me in Texas. I cannot wait to see my family and friends!

Update in weight loss goals: After the MG Walk I have not been able to go workout as much as I would like to, mainly because of my job and because I am a bit hesitant to go workout and afraid that I might get too tired to function the next day.

I am still doing some stretching and light workouts at home, but am hoping to get more active as soon as I get the OK from my Neuro. I am still trying to eat healthy but the changes in Prednisone make it hard to not get cravings! I have been trying to eat under 1500 calories, less carbs, less sugars, less meat, and still have not drank alcohol since the beginning of October!

I still don't think I have lost any actual weight but, like I mentioned before, my jeans have been a lot looser now and I can see my waist/curves a little more, I have also gotten questions/compliments about losing weight/looking better. :) 

I have definitely gained some more confidence, I have been wearing clothes that I haven't worn in a while and have some days when I get ready that I actually think "I think I look good today", I have not thought that in about three years.